Sparta MI

Sparta MI

Sparta MI Sparta Today, a collaboration between the Sparta Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Sparta commissioned New Moon Visions to create fresh seasonal event logos, sponsor badge logos, and social media image campaigns. Utilizing consistent color palette and font...
Berkley MI DDA

Berkley MI DDA

Bekley Michigan Downtown Development Authority Position various features/businesses as the charm of Berkley. The small town charm of Downtown Berkley, offers a haven where everyone’s welcome in the midst of metro Detroit. Downtown Berkley and its merchants creatively...
Lake Orion MI DDA

Lake Orion MI DDA

Lake Orion Michigan Downtown Development Authority Downtown Lake Orion hired New Moon to help further their brand identity with best practices and to develop voice, tone, brand pillars, personality, highlighting the community’s features, attracting new residents,...
Monroe MI DDA

Monroe MI DDA

Monroe Michigan Downtown Development Authority Once New Moon developed the brand strategy for the City of Monroe Michigan, this led to expanding on the brand for the Monroe Downtown Development Authority. New Moon Visions was delighted to continue and help create...
Lakelands Trail Town

Lakelands Trail Town

Lakelands Trail Town District The Lakelands Trail Town District needed a brand connecting communities to green space, and a wide range of recreational opportunities, as well as helping people find their way into the communities along the way. Three communities–...