Lakelands Trail Town District

The Lakelands Trail Town District needed a brand connecting communities to green space, and a wide range of recreational opportunities, as well as helping people find their way into the communities along the way. Three communities– Putnam, Pinckney, and Hamburg, collaborated on this project. They hired New Moon Visions to develop a brand/logo and style guide for the district, creating a dynamic umbrella brand to reflect Lakelands Trail Town with authenticity.

Logo for marketing use, represents three entities/communities with three icons:
It’s rustic and clean, with natural connection, portraying motion, activity/flow. It’s open and adaptable. The stylized leaf ties into the State Park logo, and the hexagon shape is found in nature.

My adventure. My destination.  
The idea is really the whole point of walking a trail, and the whole point of life, for that matter. It’s about enjoying the adventure. We all have our everyday activities and errands and places to go. This trail gets you there and turns it into our very own adventure. You never know what you’ll find and who you’ll meet along the way.